Foothill Kids

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14
At Foothill Kids we disciple your children, teaching them to know, love, and live for Jesus.   We do this by instructing them in the Word of God through age appropriate Bible Study, stories and games.  In addition to their spiritual wellbeing, you can also be assured that the safety of your children is of the utmost importance. Every volunteer undergoes a comprehensive background check and receives training to perform their duties with the utmost care and concern for each child left in their charge.  In addition, we utilize KidCheck, a check-in/out system which prints out identification stickers for each child and parent. Included on the sticker is: contact information, a record of allergies or any special instructions that are needed to help us provide the best care for your child.  Thank you for the faith and trust you have placed in us as we shepherd your children, we appreciate it.

Sunday Mornings

Nursery Care: 10:30 am

For children up to 2 years old. During Church Services our excellent Nursery staff provides an attentive, safe environment for the enjoyment of your child.
Only Nursery staff and nursing Moms are permitted in the Nursery.  If your child has had any symptoms of illness within 24 hours of church,  we kindly ask that child not be checked-in to the Nursery.

Children's Church: 10:30am

2-5 year olds are cared for while parents attend the Worship Service. The curriculum teaches children basic truths about God, Jesus, and the Bible. This time includes singing, project, snacks, and play time.

Sunday School 9:00 am

    Preschool (2-3 years)
                               Early Elementary (K-2nd)                          Elementary (3rd-6th)
ABC (Answers Bible Curriculum) brings the Bible to life! This exciting Sunday School curriculum, adapted for each age group,  covers the entire Bible chronologically in four years.  ABC provides a powerful overview of God 's Word and answers important questions children are facing today.  Students attending school will learn Biblical truth, memorize Scripture and learn how to apply the Bible to their daily lives.

Foothill Kids Contact Request

For more information fill out the form below.