Good Friday - The Cross Speaks

Mar 29, 2024

Our focus will be on the prominence of the cross of Christ. We’ll learn that “The Cross Speaks” from Mark 15:22-41. Mark’s gospel gives attention to the place of Jesus’ crucifixion (15:22-32). The details listed in these verses display the vast love of God Who gave His One and Only Son so we may be saved. Woven into each piece are fulfillments of Old Testament prophecies concerning God’s plan to send a Savior. We’ll also consider the power of Jesus’ death (15:33-41). The darkness, the tearing of the veil of the temple, and the centurion all display the extraordinary death of the Lord Jesus. And surrounding this monumental event are faithful followers, who loved and ministered to Jesus. The ultimate focus of Good Friday is the cross, where Jesus laid down His life as our sin bearer. The application of Good Friday is to be His faithful followers, who love and minister for Jesus.