Gospel Mercy - God’s mercy at work through the Gospel
Ben Schroeder will be from Ephesians 2:1-5. Chapter 1 of Ephesians explains the Gospel from Divine and eternal perspective. In Chapter 2 Paul directs us to see the Gospel through a human lens. Verse 2:1-3 reminds us that before Christ we lived in spiritual deadness. We followed the influences of the world, demonic forces, and our own sinful nature. This state controlled us until the Divine intervention. Ephesians 2:4-5 “But God who is rich in mercy…made us alive.” This means our spiritually dead state is reversed and we are made alive in Christ. God did this because He alone is rich in mercy. This truth should drive us to view the world as God sees it; a dead world in need of mercy. Secondly, these verses inspire us to worship regularly because of what God has saved us from and what He has saved us to.