Our Blessed Hope
Pastor Verne preaching on, “Our Blessed Hope” from 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. We not only believe that the Bible is the Word of God, we also hold to the perspicuity of Scripture. This means that the Bible is clear and understandable, and its central message can be interpreted literally. This passage presents the Christian life in two verses. The Christian life is a turning (1:9a) from sin to Jesus. Repentance is how you become a disciple and discipleship is a lifestyle of repentance. Secondly, the Christian life is a life of serving (1:9b). God’s Word teaches that we are serving the living and true God. And thirdly, the Christian life is a life of waiting (1:10). We are waiting for the Son, and our future deliverance. Until that day, what are we to be doing? We are to be serving the living and true God until the Lord brings us to Himself, either in death or when He comes again.