Palm Sunday - The Triumph of the King

Mar 24, 2024

Today is Palm Sunday. It is day one of the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. We’ll learn that a lot can happen in seven days. Pastor Verne is preaching from Mark 11:1-11, “The Triumph of the King.” We’ll consider the plan (11:1-6) and the parade (11:7-10). We’ll see that this event was a part of a plan to identify Jesus as the Messiah and King. Even His instructions to His disciples revealed that Jesus is Messiah and King. His disciples heard and did what King Jesus said. Discipleship is hearing and following King Jesus. The next scene is the parade of a King as Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem. The display of the crowd was kingly though their perspective was earthly and political rather than the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven. As the crowd shouted, Hosanna (which means, save now), this is why Jesus was going to the cross. King Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to be our Savior.